Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society
2024 Officer & Board Nominating & Election Information

The TCSS administrative leadership team is comprised of:
- 4 officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) who serve two-year terms
- 12 members who serve on the board for three years
- a CSSA rep who serves for two years
The board meets on the second Tuesday evening of the month and provides policy and business management guidance for TCSS programs and activities to ensure that we do the best possible job of achieving our club mission which is:
The study and protection of cacti and other succulents
At the end of this year (2024), the terms for four Board Members and the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will expire.
This is an open invitation for members to step up and take a turn at helping to guide the organization into the future.
The nominations committee is now preparing a slate of nominees and will present it at the November Board Meeting on November 12th.
If you, or a member you know, is interested in running for election, please submit the name and the desired position to the Nominations Committee (below) by November 3rd.
We ask that all candidates fill out an application questionnaire. Please download the editable Word document to be returned by email OR open a PDF version in the browser to print and return by mail.
Officer/Board Position Application/Questionnaire
Download Word Doc Open PDF in BrowserNote - submission instructions are a part of the application.
The final slate of officer and board candidates will be presented at the November 7th general meeting. At that time, additional nominations will be taken from the floor and via "Zoom."
All members will receive a ballot in late November along with their 2025 membership renewal form. The election results will be announced in December.
Thanks for your participation! We look forward to hearing from you!
Email the Nominations Committee: Nominations@TucsonCactus.org

Duties of officers are per TCSS Bylaws and Special Rules
of Operation
Note - some of these duties are outdated in terms of
our TCSS actual practice. It will be a task for the new 2025 board
to update our organizational documents early in the coming year.
Bylaws Article IV. OFFICERS
Sec. 2. President. The president shall call and
preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and general
meetings of the membership. S/He shall exercise authority and assume
responsibility specified in the Articles of Incorporation and
by-laws of the Corporation.
Sec. 3. Vice-President.
The Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President
during absence of the President.
Sec. 4. Secretary.
The Secretary shall record and retain minutes of all
meetings of the Board of Directors and the general meetings of the
membership. In addition, the Secretary shall prepare and send out
announcements of meetings and all official correspondence.
Sec. 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain
records of all receipts and disbursements of the corporation and
shall conduct all financial business for the Corporation as directed
by the President and/or authorized by the Board of Directors.
Sec. 3.
Duties. The Board of Directors shall conduct the affairs of
the corporation and shall exercise all authority and assume all
responsibility specified in the by-laws and the Articles of
Additional duties as per the TCSS
Special Rules of Operation
addition to duties assigned in the By-Laws, the Vice-President shall
be the program chairman and arrange programs for general membership
meetings held on the first Thursday of January to November and the Annual Meeting and Holiday
Party in December.
SECRETARY: In addition to duties assigned in the By-Laws, the secretary will
keep the Special Rules of Order current by appending action
decisions by the Board of Directors, and keep the President informed
of necessary action decisions reached by the Board during the
current year or at any time in previous years.
TREASURER: In addition to the duties set forth in the By-Laws, the
will receive dues from the Membership Chairman, keep the Secretary
and Chairman of the Membership Committee informed of the membership
status, establish a standardized system of record keeping expected
to be useful and applicable for several years, at each board
meeting, report the financial status of the corporation, and submit
to the Secretary a copy of the financial status statement for file
as an addendum to the Secretary's regular report. The Treasurer's
annual report shall contain a financial statement for the year, a
copy of the auditor's report, a copy of the current Certificate of
Incorporation, a copy of current fire and liability insurance
policies, a copy of the year's Federal Income Tax report, and other
documents or correspondence having to do with
the financial affairs of the corporation. It is also his/her
responsibility to be familiar with sales tax laws.
The final
slate of officer and board candidates will be presented at the
November 7th general meeting. At that time, additional nominations
will be taken from the floor and via "Zoom".
These last-minute
nominees will be asked to fill out the application questionaire
before ballots go out for voting.